Trigger point dry needling (TDN) is a drug-free therapy that involves the use of thin needles to target trigger points in muscles. Trigger points are tight, irritated spots in muscle tissue that can cause pain, tenderness, and limited range of motion, often resulting from injury, overuse, or poor movement habits.

During TDN, a trained healthcare provider—such as a chiropractor, physical therapist or medical doctor—carefully inserts monofilament needles into the trigger point. The insertion of the needles stimulates the muscle, causing a contraction or twitch, which can help relieve pain and improve mobility. TDN also activates nerves near the trigger points, helping to relax the muscle by reducing excessive contraction of muscle fibers. The process may cause minor tissue damage, which can increase blood flow to the area and produce a calming effect on the nerves.

TDN can be used to treat many neuromusculoskeletal disorders, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tennis/golf elbow
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tendonitis/injury
  • Shoulder and scapula problems
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Joint pain and dysfunction
  • Plantar fasciitis

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